The Furthest Station (Peter Grant #5.5)

This novella somehow managed to simultaneously deliver a full story with a satisfying conclusion and leave me feeling like it was way too short. It was good to see Nightingale out in the field again, however briefly, and Abigail is really growing on me. Beverly makes an appearance, and Peter remembers something she said that made me think either Aaronovitch himself is spookily prescient or the shallowness of Peter and Bev’s relationship is on purpose.
‘Like when you kiss me,’ she’d said. ‘Is it enjoyable because of the physical sensation or is it because you think it should be enjoyable?’
They weren’t actually talking about their relationship, just using the analogy to illustrate another point, but still. Considering what I said earlier today in my review of Foxglove Summer, I had to laugh.
Goodreads claims this is #5.5 in the series, so I haven’t read anything out of order where the timeline is concerned, but some references were dropped that made me feel like I’m missing something. It’s probably all in the graphic novels, which I haven’t got and have no plans to collect, so I’m scratching my head and moving on.
(Read for Halloween Bingo Ghost Stories Square)